Schedule of Classes Undergraduate / Spring 2025 / Creativity, the Arts, and Social Transformation

Class Search|Course Evaluation Guide (unet login required)

(1-99) Primarily for Undergraduate Students

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
THA 27A 1 Wellness and Sustainability in the Theatrical Process
[ hwl2 ]

Attendance on the first day is required.

T,F 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Spingold: 206
Consent Req.

15 / 15 / 0
Jennifer Cleary

(100-199) For Both Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
CAST 110B 1 Dance and Migration
[ ca deis-us djw hwl2 nw ]

T 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Shiffman: 002
25 / 0 / 15
Toni Shapiro-Phim
CAST 140A 1 Theory and Praxis of Community Engagement
[ ca ]

Th 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Shiffman: 002
14 / 12 / 1
Toni Shapiro-Phim
CAST 160A 1 Provocative Art: Outside the Comfort Zone
[ ca ]

F 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Spingold: 205
14 / 16 / 0
William Chalmus

CAST Core Elective

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
CAST 110B 1 Dance and Migration
[ ca deis-us djw hwl2 nw ]

T 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Shiffman: 002
25 / 0 / 15
Toni Shapiro-Phim
ENG 143A 1 The History of Mediascapes and Critical Maker Culture
[ deis-us dl hum oc ]

T,F 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
F 10:10 AM–11:00 AM
9 / 20 / 0
Dorothy Kim
ENG 169A 1 Eco-Writing Workshop
[ hum wi ]

M 2:30 PM–5:20 PM
Lown: 103
10 / 12 / 0
Elizabeth Bradfield
HISP 165B 1 The Storyteller: Short Fiction in Latin America
[ djw fl hum nw ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Shiffman: 216
11 / 15 / 0
Fernando Rosenberg
MUS 3B 1
Global Soundscapes: Performing Musical Tradition Across Time and Place
[ ca nw ]

T,F 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Slosberg Music: 107
34 / 35 / 0
Bradford Garvey
MUS 51A 1 Singing to Power
[ ca ]

M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM
Slosberg Music: 234
15 / 15 / 0
Taylor Ackley
THA 132A 1 Collaborative Creation
[ ca ]

Attendance on the first day is required.

T,F 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Spingold: 205
15 / 20 / 0
Adrianne Krstansky
THA 138B 1 Creative Pedagogy
[ ca oc ]

Attendance at first class is required.

T,F 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Spingold: 206
Consent Req.

19 / 30 / 0
Jennifer Cleary

CAST Electives in Creative Arts

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
CAST 110B 1 Dance and Migration
[ ca deis-us djw hwl2 nw ]

T 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Shiffman: 002
25 / 0 / 15
Toni Shapiro-Phim
CAST 160A 1 Provocative Art: Outside the Comfort Zone
[ ca ]

F 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Spingold: 205
14 / 16 / 0
William Chalmus
FA 4A 1 Sculpture Foundation: 3-D Design I
[ ca ]

Students interested in enrolling should place themselves on the waitlist for this course. Studio
Art classes are direct to waitlist with an enrollment limit of zero so that Studio Art majors and
minors can be given enrollment priority. Students planning to major or minor in Studio Art
should place themselves on the waitlist and then write to about their
intention to declare. This class is also great for newer students interested in taking a studio art
course, so we will also set aside spaces for first and second year students. Non-Studio Arts
students will be enrolled off the waitlist based on availability. Enrollment in this class will begin
on November 22, so waitlisted students should check their email regularly.  (Do not contact the
instructor about enrollment in this course; only write to

M,W 9:05 AM–10:55 AM
Goldman-Schwartz: 130
14 / 0 / 6
Christopher Frost
FA 4A 2
Sculpture Foundation: 3-D Design I
[ ca ]

Students interested in enrolling should place themselves on the waitlist for this course. Studio
Art classes are direct to waitlist with an enrollment limit of zero so that Studio Art majors and
minors can be given enrollment priority. Students planning to major or minor in Studio Art
should place themselves on the waitlist and then write to about their
intention to declare. This class is also great for newer students interested in taking a studio art
course, so we will also set aside spaces for first and second year students. Non-Studio Arts
students will be enrolled off the waitlist based on availability. Enrollment in this class will begin
on November 22, so waitlisted students should check their email regularly.  (Do not contact the
instructor about enrollment in this course; only write to

T,F 9:35 AM–11:25 AM
Goldman-Schwartz: 130
15 / 0 / 9
Tory Fair
FA 4A 3 Sculpture Foundation: 3-D Design I
[ ca ]

Students interested in enrolling should place themselves on the waitlist for this course. Studio
Art classes are direct to waitlist with an enrollment limit of zero so that Studio Art majors and
minors can be given enrollment priority. Students planning to major or minor in Studio Art
should place themselves on the waitlist and then write to about their
intention to declare. This class is also great for newer students interested in taking a studio art
course, so we will also set aside spaces for first and second year students. Non-Studio Arts
students will be enrolled off the waitlist based on availability. Enrollment in this class will begin
on November 22, so waitlisted students should check their email regularly.  (Do not contact the
instructor about enrollment in this course; only write to

M,W 2:30 PM–4:20 PM
Goldman-Schwartz: 130
14 / 0 / 6
Lu Heintz
FA 61A 1 History of Photography
[ ca ]

M,W,Th 11:15 AM–12:05 PM
Mandel Humanities: G12
29 / 35 / 1
Peter Kalb
FA 187A 1 Approaches to Architecture and the City
[ ca ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Mandel Humanities: G11
20 / 20 / 1
Muna Güvenç
MUS 3B 1
Global Soundscapes: Performing Musical Tradition Across Time and Place
[ ca nw ]

T,F 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Slosberg Music: 107
34 / 35 / 0
Bradford Garvey
MUS 86B 1 Improv Collective

M 7:15 PM–10:05 PM
Slosberg Music: 212
7 / 12 / 0
Thomas Hall
MUS 86B 2XC Improv Collective

M 7:15 PM–10:05 PM Open
2 / 12 / 0
Thomas Hall
MUS 87B 1 Music and Dance from Ghana

M,W 5:40 PM–7:00 PM
Slosberg Music: 107
7 / 25 / 0
Benjamin Paulding
MUS 87B 2XC Music and Dance from Ghana

M,W 5:40 PM–7:00 PM Open
1 / 25 / 0
Benjamin Paulding
THA 132A 1 Collaborative Creation
[ ca ]

Attendance on the first day is required.

T,F 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Spingold: 205
15 / 20 / 0
Adrianne Krstansky
THA 138B 1 Creative Pedagogy
[ ca oc ]

Attendance at first class is required.

T,F 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Spingold: 206
Consent Req.

19 / 30 / 0
Jennifer Cleary
THA 150A 1 Global Theater: Voices from Asia, Africa, and the Americas
[ ca djw nw wi ]

T,F 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Slosberg Music: 212
15 / 20 / 1
Andie Berry

CAST Electives in Humanities

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
Children's Literature and Constructions of Childhood
[ hum ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Heller-Brown: G053
17 / 20 / 0
Robin Miller
ENG 20A 1 Bollywood: Popular Film, Genre, and Society
[ djw hum nw ]

M,W,Th 1:20 PM–2:10 PM
Lown: 002
66 / 65 / 5
Ulka Anjaria
ENG 20B 1
Literary Games
[ deis-us dl hum oc ]

T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
F 9:05 AM–9:55 AM
24 / 20 / 0
Dorothy Kim
ENG 60A 1
Storytelling Performance
[ hum oc ]

M,W,Th 11:15 AM–12:05 PM
Olin-Sang: 112
14 / 18 / 0
David Sherman
ENG 143A 1 The History of Mediascapes and Critical Maker Culture
[ deis-us dl hum oc ]

T,F 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
F 10:10 AM–11:00 AM
9 / 20 / 0
Dorothy Kim
ENG 169A 1 Eco-Writing Workshop
[ hum wi ]

M 2:30 PM–5:20 PM
Lown: 103
10 / 12 / 0
Elizabeth Bradfield
HBRW 121A 1 Israeli Society and Post-Trauma: Family Dynamics Through a TV Series
[ dl fl oc ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Abraham Shapiro Academic: 209
13 / 20 / 0
Sara Hascal
HISP 165B 1 The Storyteller: Short Fiction in Latin America
[ djw fl hum nw ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Shiffman: 216
11 / 15 / 0
Fernando Rosenberg
NEJS 174A 1 Minorities and Others in Israeli Literature and Culture
[ djw fl hum oc ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Heller-Brown: G055
3 / 35 / 0
Ilana Szobel
NEJS 194B 1 Sufism: Mystical Traditions in Classical and Modern Islam
[ hum nw ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Abraham Shapiro Academic: 209
14 / 25 / 0
Mariam Sheibani

CAST Electives in Social Sciences

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
AAAS/WGS 136A 1 Black Feminist Thought
[ deis-us oc ss ]

M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM
Spingold: 206
17 / 30 / 0
Shoniqua Roach
AAAS/WGS 148B 1 Black Dance: The Politics of Black Movement
[ ca ss ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Spingold: 111
14 / 15 / 0
Shoniqua Roach
AAPI/WGS 137B 1 Performing Asian/American Women on Screen and Scene
[ deis-us oc ss ]

M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM
Lown: 201
31 / 0 / 2
Yuri Doolan