Schedule of Classes Undergraduate and Graduate / Fall 2024 / English

Class Search|Course Evaluation Guide (unet login required)

(1-99) Primarily for Undergraduate Students

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
ENG 10B 1 Poetry: A Basic Course
[ hum ]

T,F 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Olin-Sang: 104
19 / 20 / 0
William Flesch
ENG 12A 1 Decolonizing Tongues: Language in African Literature
[ deis-us djw hum wi ]

T,F 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Olin-Sang: 112
14 / 20 / 0
Emilie Diouf
ENG 19A 1 Introduction to Creative Writing Workshop
[ hum wi ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Pearlman: 202
11 / 12 / 0
Krysten Hill
ENG 19A 2 Introduction to Creative Writing Workshop
[ hum wi ]

W 2:30 PM–5:20 PM
Schwartz: 110
11 / 12 / 0
Elizabeth Bradfield
ENG 26A 1
Novels on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown: Fiction as Psychological Inquiry
[ hum wi ]

M,W,Th 12:20 PM–1:10 PM
Mandel Humanities: G03
54 / 60 / 0
David Sherman
ENG 33B 1 Shakespeare Now
[ hum oc ]

M,W,Th 1:20 PM–2:10 PM
Olin-Sang: 104
21 / 30 / 0
Ramie Targoff
ENG 41A 1 Critical Digital Humanities Methods and Applications
[ deis-us dl hum ]

M,W,Th 1:20 PM–2:10 PM Open
19 / 20 / 0
Dorothy Kim
ENG 43B 1 Medieval Play: Drama, LARP, and Video Games
[ djw hum oc ]

M,W,Th 11:15 AM–12:05 PM Open
32 / 35 / 0
Dorothy Kim
ENG 45B 1 Romanticism: Gods, Nature, Loneliness, Dreams
[ hum ]

T,F 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Shiffman: 217
17 / 20 / 0
Laura Quinney
ENG 62A 1 Documentary: Techniques and Controversies
[ hum ]

T,F 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Olin-Sang: 201
15 / 20 / 0
Emilie Diouf
ENG 79A 1 Screenwriting Workshop: Beginning Screenplay
[ dl hum wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

T 7:05 PM–9:55 PM
Olin-Sang: 116
12 / 12 / 0
Marc Weinberg

(100-199) For Both Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
AAPI/ENG 102A 1 Science and Fiction of the Transpacific
[ djw hum ]

T,Th 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Mandel Humanities: G11
13 / 20 / 0
Howie Tam
AAPI/ENG 115A 1 The Asian American Memoir
[ deis-us ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Golding Judaica: 103
16 / 20 / 0
Howie Tam
The Lyric Imagination from Romanticism to the Present
[ hum ]

M,W,Th 10:10 AM–11:00 AM
Mandel Humanities: G10
19 / 25 / 0
Stephen Dowden
John Burt
COML/ENG 191A 1 Environmental Aesthetics
[ djw hum oc ]

M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM
Shiffman: 216
33 / 35 / 0
Caren Irr
ENG 109B 1 Fiction Workshop: Short Fiction
[ hum oc wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

Th 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Pearlman: 202
12 / 12 / 0
Marjan Kamali
ENG 119A 1 Fiction Workshop
[ hum oc wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

T,Th 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Rabb Center: 119
10 / 12 / 0
Stephen McCauley
ENG 124A 1 Renaissance Women’s Writing
[ hum ]

M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM
Olin-Sang: 104
19 / 20 / 0
Ramie Targoff
ENG 129A 1 Creative Nonfiction Workshop
[ hum wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

M,W 5:40 PM–7:00 PM
Pearlman: 202
12 / 12 / 0
Krysten Hill
ENG 149A 1 Screenwriting Workshop: Writing the Streaming Series
[ dl hum wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

T 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Pearlman: 202
8 / 12 / 0
Marc Weinberg
ENG 151B 1
Performance Studies
[ dl hum ]

M,W 5:40 PM–7:00 PM
Shiffman: 219
14 / 20 / 0
Thomas King
ENG 180B 1
Romantic Comedy / Matrimonial Tragedy
[ hum ]

M,W,Th 10:10 AM–11:00 AM
Schneider Heller: G004
40 / 65 / 0
David Sherman

(200 and above) Primarily for Graduate Students

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
ENG 200A 1 Approaches to Literary and Cultural Studies

T 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Rabb Center: 236
Consent Req.

6 / 8 / 0
Ulka Anjaria
ENG 208A 1 Poetry and Poetics Continuing Seminar

W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Pearlman: 203
Consent Req.

7 / 999 / 0
Laura Quinney
ENG 250B 1 Film Theory

M 2:30 PM–5:20 PM
Shiffman: 218
Consent Req.

6 / 8 / 0
Paul Morrison
ENG 350A 1 Proseminar

Course meets alternating Thursdays.

Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Rabb Center: 236
Consent Req.

5 / 8 / 0
John Plotz
ENG 375C 1 Field Exam Colloquium

Meets alternating Thursdays.

Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
Rabb Center: 236
Consent Req.

4 / 8 / 0
Caren Irr
GSAS 360C 1 Article Publication Workshop

Meets alternating Tuesdays.

T 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Golding Judaica: 107
Consent Req.

17 / 20 / 0
Ulka Anjaria

ENG Digital Literacy

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
AMST/JOUR 113A 1 Long-form Journalism: Storytelling for Magazines and Podcasts
[ dl oc ss ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Olin-Sang: 104
12 / 25 / 0
Neil Swidey
ENG 41A 1 Critical Digital Humanities Methods and Applications
[ deis-us dl hum ]

M,W,Th 1:20 PM–2:10 PM Open
19 / 20 / 0
Dorothy Kim
ENG 79A 1 Screenwriting Workshop: Beginning Screenplay
[ dl hum wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

T 7:05 PM–9:55 PM
Olin-Sang: 116
12 / 12 / 0
Marc Weinberg
ENG 149A 1 Screenwriting Workshop: Writing the Streaming Series
[ dl hum wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

T 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Pearlman: 202
8 / 12 / 0
Marc Weinberg
ENG 151B 1
Performance Studies
[ dl hum ]

M,W 5:40 PM–7:00 PM
Shiffman: 219
14 / 20 / 0
Thomas King
HISP 85A 1 Introduction to U.S. Latinx Literatures and Cultures
[ deis-us djw dl hum ]

Taught in English.

T,F 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Mandel Humanities: G11
15 / 15 / 0
Maria Duran

ENG Oral Communication

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
AMST/JOUR 113A 1 Long-form Journalism: Storytelling for Magazines and Podcasts
[ dl oc ss ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Olin-Sang: 104
12 / 25 / 0
Neil Swidey
COML/ENG 191A 1 Environmental Aesthetics
[ djw hum oc ]

M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM
Shiffman: 216
33 / 35 / 0
Caren Irr
ENG 33B 1 Shakespeare Now
[ hum oc ]

M,W,Th 1:20 PM–2:10 PM
Olin-Sang: 104
21 / 30 / 0
Ramie Targoff
ENG 43B 1 Medieval Play: Drama, LARP, and Video Games
[ djw hum oc ]

M,W,Th 11:15 AM–12:05 PM Open
32 / 35 / 0
Dorothy Kim
ENG 109B 1 Fiction Workshop: Short Fiction
[ hum oc wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

Th 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Pearlman: 202
12 / 12 / 0
Marjan Kamali
ENG 119A 1 Fiction Workshop
[ hum oc wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

T,Th 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Rabb Center: 119
10 / 12 / 0
Stephen McCauley
HSSP 118B 1 Viewing Medicine and Health Policy Through the Lens of Literature
[ oc ss ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Heller-Brown: 163
20 / 25 / 0
Deborah Garnick

ENG Writing Intensive

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
ENG 12A 1 Decolonizing Tongues: Language in African Literature
[ deis-us djw hum wi ]

T,F 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Olin-Sang: 112
14 / 20 / 0
Emilie Diouf
ENG 19A 1 Introduction to Creative Writing Workshop
[ hum wi ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Pearlman: 202
11 / 12 / 0
Krysten Hill
ENG 19A 2 Introduction to Creative Writing Workshop
[ hum wi ]

W 2:30 PM–5:20 PM
Schwartz: 110
11 / 12 / 0
Elizabeth Bradfield
ENG 26A 1
Novels on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown: Fiction as Psychological Inquiry
[ hum wi ]

M,W,Th 12:20 PM–1:10 PM
Mandel Humanities: G03
54 / 60 / 0
David Sherman
ENG 79A 1 Screenwriting Workshop: Beginning Screenplay
[ dl hum wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

T 7:05 PM–9:55 PM
Olin-Sang: 116
12 / 12 / 0
Marc Weinberg
ENG 109B 1 Fiction Workshop: Short Fiction
[ hum oc wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

Th 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Pearlman: 202
12 / 12 / 0
Marjan Kamali
ENG 119A 1 Fiction Workshop
[ hum oc wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

T,Th 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Rabb Center: 119
10 / 12 / 0
Stephen McCauley
ENG 129A 1 Creative Nonfiction Workshop
[ hum wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

M,W 5:40 PM–7:00 PM
Pearlman: 202
12 / 12 / 0
Krysten Hill
ENG 149A 1 Screenwriting Workshop: Writing the Streaming Series
[ dl hum wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

T 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Pearlman: 202
8 / 12 / 0
Marc Weinberg
THA 142B 1 Women Playwrights: Writing for the Stage by and about Women
[ ca deis-us wi ]

W 2:30 PM–5:20 PM
Spingold: 206
13 / 25 / 0
Andie Berry

ENG Close Reading Courses for the Creative Writing Major

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
ENG 10B 1 Poetry: A Basic Course
[ hum ]

T,F 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Olin-Sang: 104
19 / 20 / 0
William Flesch

ENG Literary Theory Criticism

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
COML/ENG 191A 1 Environmental Aesthetics
[ djw hum oc ]

M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM
Shiffman: 216
33 / 35 / 0
Caren Irr
ENG 12A 1 Decolonizing Tongues: Language in African Literature
[ deis-us djw hum wi ]

T,F 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Olin-Sang: 112
14 / 20 / 0
Emilie Diouf
ENG 151B 1
Performance Studies
[ dl hum ]

M,W 5:40 PM–7:00 PM
Shiffman: 219
14 / 20 / 0
Thomas King

ENG Media Film

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
AAAS 134B 1
Novel and Film of the African Diaspora
[ djw hum nw ]

T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
Golding Judaica: 107
8 / 25 / 0
Faith Smith
ENG 41A 1 Critical Digital Humanities Methods and Applications
[ deis-us dl hum ]

M,W,Th 1:20 PM–2:10 PM Open
19 / 20 / 0
Dorothy Kim
ENG 62A 1 Documentary: Techniques and Controversies
[ hum ]

T,F 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Olin-Sang: 201
15 / 20 / 0
Emilie Diouf
ENG 151B 1
Performance Studies
[ dl hum ]

M,W 5:40 PM–7:00 PM
Shiffman: 219
14 / 20 / 0
Thomas King
ENG 180B 1
Romantic Comedy / Matrimonial Tragedy
[ hum ]

M,W,Th 10:10 AM–11:00 AM
Schneider Heller: G004
40 / 65 / 0
David Sherman

ENG Multicultural Literature, World Anglophone

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
AAAS 134B 1
Novel and Film of the African Diaspora
[ djw hum nw ]

T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
Golding Judaica: 107
8 / 25 / 0
Faith Smith
AAPI/ENG 102A 1 Science and Fiction of the Transpacific
[ djw hum ]

T,Th 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Mandel Humanities: G11
13 / 20 / 0
Howie Tam
AAPI/ENG 115A 1 The Asian American Memoir
[ deis-us ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Golding Judaica: 103
16 / 20 / 0
Howie Tam
COML/ENG 191A 1 Environmental Aesthetics
[ djw hum oc ]

M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM
Shiffman: 216
33 / 35 / 0
Caren Irr
ENG 12A 1 Decolonizing Tongues: Language in African Literature
[ deis-us djw hum wi ]

T,F 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Olin-Sang: 112
14 / 20 / 0
Emilie Diouf
ENG 41A 1 Critical Digital Humanities Methods and Applications
[ deis-us dl hum ]

M,W,Th 1:20 PM–2:10 PM Open
19 / 20 / 0
Dorothy Kim

ENG Pre-1800

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
ENG 33B 1 Shakespeare Now
[ hum oc ]

M,W,Th 1:20 PM–2:10 PM
Olin-Sang: 104
21 / 30 / 0
Ramie Targoff
ENG 43B 1 Medieval Play: Drama, LARP, and Video Games
[ djw hum oc ]

M,W,Th 11:15 AM–12:05 PM Open
32 / 35 / 0
Dorothy Kim
ENG 124A 1 Renaissance Women’s Writing
[ hum ]

M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM
Olin-Sang: 104
19 / 20 / 0
Ramie Targoff

ENG Post-1800

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
AAPI/ENG 102A 1 Science and Fiction of the Transpacific
[ djw hum ]

T,Th 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Mandel Humanities: G11
13 / 20 / 0
Howie Tam
AAPI/ENG 115A 1 The Asian American Memoir
[ deis-us ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Golding Judaica: 103
16 / 20 / 0
Howie Tam
The Lyric Imagination from Romanticism to the Present
[ hum ]

M,W,Th 10:10 AM–11:00 AM
Mandel Humanities: G10
19 / 25 / 0
Stephen Dowden
John Burt
ENG 12A 1 Decolonizing Tongues: Language in African Literature
[ deis-us djw hum wi ]

T,F 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Olin-Sang: 112
14 / 20 / 0
Emilie Diouf
ENG 26A 1
Novels on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown: Fiction as Psychological Inquiry
[ hum wi ]

M,W,Th 12:20 PM–1:10 PM
Mandel Humanities: G03
54 / 60 / 0
David Sherman
ENG 45B 1 Romanticism: Gods, Nature, Loneliness, Dreams
[ hum ]

T,F 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Shiffman: 217
17 / 20 / 0
Laura Quinney

ENG Creative Writing Workshops

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
AMST/JOUR 113A 1 Long-form Journalism: Storytelling for Magazines and Podcasts
[ dl oc ss ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Olin-Sang: 104
12 / 25 / 0
Neil Swidey
ENG 19A 1 Introduction to Creative Writing Workshop
[ hum wi ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Pearlman: 202
11 / 12 / 0
Krysten Hill
ENG 19A 2 Introduction to Creative Writing Workshop
[ hum wi ]

W 2:30 PM–5:20 PM
Schwartz: 110
11 / 12 / 0
Elizabeth Bradfield
ENG 79A 1 Screenwriting Workshop: Beginning Screenplay
[ dl hum wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

T 7:05 PM–9:55 PM
Olin-Sang: 116
12 / 12 / 0
Marc Weinberg
ENG 109B 1 Fiction Workshop: Short Fiction
[ hum oc wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

Th 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Pearlman: 202
12 / 12 / 0
Marjan Kamali
ENG 119A 1 Fiction Workshop
[ hum oc wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

T,Th 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Rabb Center: 119
10 / 12 / 0
Stephen McCauley
ENG 129A 1 Creative Nonfiction Workshop
[ hum wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

M,W 5:40 PM–7:00 PM
Pearlman: 202
12 / 12 / 0
Krysten Hill
ENG 149A 1 Screenwriting Workshop: Writing the Streaming Series
[ dl hum wi ]

Offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis. All Creative Writing courses are by instructor's permission, after the submission of a manuscript sample. Manuscript samples should be no more than 6 pages of creative work in the genre of the Creative Writing workshop to which the student is applying; poetry, fiction, screenwriting. Samples should be emailed in a single document, (.doc or .docx) to the relevant instructor beginning the week prior to registration. Each workshop is capped at 12. During early registration each workshop will accept up to 10 students, allowing room for incoming first-years and transfer students during the spring registration period.

T 2:20 PM–5:10 PM
Pearlman: 202
8 / 12 / 0
Marc Weinberg
JOUR 114B 1
Arts Journalism, Pop Culture, and Digital Innovation
[ ss wi ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Brown: 316
11 / 20 / 0
Josh Wolk

ENG Cross-Listed

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
AMST 177B 1
True Crime and American Culture_
[ ss ]

M,W 5:40 PM–7:00 PM
Mandel Humanities: G12
24 / 80 / 0
Thomas Doherty
COML 178A 1 Cult Books
[ hum ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Golding Judaica: 107
15 / 35 / 0
Stephen Dowden
All in the Family: Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and the English Novel
[ hum ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Shiffman: 201
10 / 20 / 0
Robin Miller
HISP 85A 1 Introduction to U.S. Latinx Literatures and Cultures
[ deis-us djw dl hum ]

Taught in English.

T,F 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Mandel Humanities: G11
15 / 15 / 0
Maria Duran
HSSP 118B 1 Viewing Medicine and Health Policy Through the Lens of Literature
[ oc ss ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Heller-Brown: 163
20 / 25 / 0
Deborah Garnick
HUM 13A 1 Timeloops and Co-presence: Indigenous Temporalities and Speculative Fiction
[ hum ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Mandel Humanities: G11
Consent Req.

18 / 20 / 0
John Plotz
Charles Golden
HUM 14A 1 Evil and Human Destiny: The Western Canon from Genesis to Milton
[ hum ]

T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
Rabb Center: 119
Consent Req.

20 / 20 / 0
William Flesch
Reuven Kimelman
THA 11A 1 European Theater Texts and Theory I
[ ca ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Shiffman: 219
21 / 30 / 0
Ryan McKittrick
Arthur Holmberg
THA 142B 1 Women Playwrights: Writing for the Stage by and about Women
[ ca deis-us wi ]

W 2:30 PM–5:20 PM
Spingold: 206
13 / 25 / 0
Andie Berry