Schedule of Classes Undergraduate and Graduate / spring 2023 / Computer Science

Class Search|Course Evaluation Guide (unet login required)

(1-99) Primarily for Undergraduate Students

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
COSI 10A 1 Introduction to Problem Solving in Python
[ dl sn ]

M,W,Th 10:10 AM–11:00 AM
Olin-Sang: 101
Th 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Olin-Sang: 101
37 / 40 / 0
Ella Tuson
COSI 10A 3 Introduction to Problem Solving in Python
[ dl sn ]

M,W,Th 10:10 AM–11:00 AM
Th 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
54 / 75 / 0
Timothy Hickey
COSI 12B 1 Advanced Programming Techniques in Java
[ dl sn wi ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Olin-Sang: 101
T 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Olin-Sang: 101
56 / 60 / 0
Iraklis Tsekourakis
COSI 12B 2
Advanced Programming Techniques in Java
[ dl sn wi ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
T 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
39 / 40 / 0
Ken Brumer
COSI 21A 1 Data Structures and the Fundamentals of Computing
[ dl sn ]

Lecture and recitation meets in Olin Sang: 101.

T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
M 5:40 PM–7:00 PM
53 / 60 / 0
Iraklis Tsekourakis
COSI 21A 2 Data Structures and the Fundamentals of Computing
[ dl sn ]

T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
Olin-Sang: 101
M 5:40 PM–7:00 PM
Olin-Sang: 101
55 / 60 / 0
Iraklis Tsekourakis
COSI 45A 1 Effective Communication for Computer Scientists
[ oc ]

M 5:40 PM–7:00 PM Open
15 / 20 / 0
William Wittenberg
COSI 45A 3 Effective Communication for Computer Scientists
[ oc ]

W 5:40 PM–7:00 PM Waitlist
20 / 20 / 0
William Wittenberg

(100-199) For Both Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
COSI 103A 1 Fundamentals of Software Engineering
[ sn ]

M,W,Th 11:15 AM–12:05 PM
Olin-Sang: 101
158 / 200 / 0
Timothy Hickey
COSI 107A 1
Introduction to Computer Security

T,F 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Rosenstiel: 118
39 / 40 / 0
Win Treese
COSI 114B 1 Fundamentals of Natural Language Processing II
[ dl sn ]

T,F 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Lown: 002
F 2:20 PM–3:50 PM
Lown: 002
35 / 60 / 0
James Pustejovsky
COSI 119A 1 Autonomous Robotics
[ sn ]

M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM
Abelson-Bass: 131
Th 3:55 PM–5:55 PM
Rosenstiel: 118
25 / 35 / 0
Pito Salas
COSI 121B 1
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
[ sn ]

T,F 9:35 AM–10:55 AM
Golding Judaica: 110
62 / 60 / 0
Harry Mairson
COSI 131A 1 Operating Systems
[ dl sn ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Gerstenzang: 121
Th 7:00 PM–8:30 PM
Gerstenzang: 121
72 / 60 / 0
Pito Salas
COSI 132A 1 Information Retrieval
[ sn ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Volen Center: 119
17 / 30 / 0
Peter Anick
COSI 133A 2 Graph Mining
[ sn ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Volen Center: 119
11 / 40 / 0
Chuxu Zhang
COSI 137B 1 Information Extraction
[ sn ]

T,F 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Gerstenzang: 122
Th 3:55 PM–5:55 PM
Gerstenzang: 122
21 / 30 / 0
Benjamin Wellner
COSI 140B 1
Natural Language Annotation for Machine Learning
[ sn ]

M,W,Th 12:20 PM–1:10 PM
Gerstenzang: 122
31 / 40 / 0
Chester Palen-Michel
Eben Holderness
COSI 147A 1 Distributed Systems
[ sn ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Shapiro Science: 0016
22 / 30 / 0
Liuba Shrira
COSI 152A 1 Web Application Development
[ sn ]

M,W,Th 12:20 PM–1:10 PM
Olin-Sang: 101
61 / 60 / 0
Hadi Mohammadi
COSI 159A 1 Computer Vision
[ oc sn wi ]

M,W 7:15 PM–8:35 PM
Volen Center: 119
17 / 30 / 0
Hongfu Liu
COSI 177A 1 Scientific Data Processing in Matlab
[ sn ]

M,W 5:40 PM–7:00 PM
Gerstenzang: 121
28 / 40 / 0
Hongfu Liu

(200 and above) Primarily for Graduate Students

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
COSI 217B 1 Natural Language Processing Systems

Topic for spring 2023: Using Information Extraction in Real World Applications. Prerequisites for Spring 2023:  Second Year Standing in the CL MS program or instructor permission Creating a usable, robust, and extendable NLP system is an art, requiring good programming and machine learning practices and use of the best modern tools. Students in this graduate seminar will learn to work in groups and individually to produce high-quality NLP systems implemented in Python.

T,F 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Volen Center: 119
14 / 40 / 0
Marcus Verhagen

COSI Digital Literacy

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
COSI 12B 1 Advanced Programming Techniques in Java
[ dl sn wi ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Olin-Sang: 101
T 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Olin-Sang: 101
56 / 60 / 0
Iraklis Tsekourakis
COSI 12B 2
Advanced Programming Techniques in Java
[ dl sn wi ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
T 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
39 / 40 / 0
Ken Brumer
COSI 21A 1 Data Structures and the Fundamentals of Computing
[ dl sn ]

Lecture and recitation meets in Olin Sang: 101.

T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
M 5:40 PM–7:00 PM
53 / 60 / 0
Iraklis Tsekourakis
COSI 21A 2 Data Structures and the Fundamentals of Computing
[ dl sn ]

T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
Olin-Sang: 101
M 5:40 PM–7:00 PM
Olin-Sang: 101
55 / 60 / 0
Iraklis Tsekourakis
COSI 114B 1 Fundamentals of Natural Language Processing II
[ dl sn ]

T,F 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Lown: 002
F 2:20 PM–3:50 PM
Lown: 002
35 / 60 / 0
James Pustejovsky
COSI 131A 1 Operating Systems
[ dl sn ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Gerstenzang: 121
Th 7:00 PM–8:30 PM
Gerstenzang: 121
72 / 60 / 0
Pito Salas

COSI Oral Communication

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
COSI 45A 1 Effective Communication for Computer Scientists
[ oc ]

M 5:40 PM–7:00 PM Open
15 / 20 / 0
William Wittenberg
COSI 45A 3 Effective Communication for Computer Scientists
[ oc ]

W 5:40 PM–7:00 PM Waitlist
20 / 20 / 0
William Wittenberg

COSI Writing Intensive

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
COSI 12B 1 Advanced Programming Techniques in Java
[ dl sn wi ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Olin-Sang: 101
T 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Olin-Sang: 101
56 / 60 / 0
Iraklis Tsekourakis
COSI 12B 2
Advanced Programming Techniques in Java
[ dl sn wi ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
T 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
39 / 40 / 0
Ken Brumer
COSI 159A 1 Computer Vision
[ oc sn wi ]

M,W 7:15 PM–8:35 PM
Volen Center: 119
17 / 30 / 0
Hongfu Liu

COSI Cross-Listed

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
COSI/ECON 148B 1 Introduction to Machine Learning with Economic Applications
[ sn ss ]

M,W 8:30 AM–9:50 AM
Gerstenzang: 122
44 / 0 / 0
Pengyu Hong
Yinchu Zhu
LING 130A 1
Semantics I
[ hum qr ss ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Gerstenzang: 124
F 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Lown: 301
40 / 40 / 0
Sophia Malamud
MATH 15A 1 Linear Algebra
[ sn ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Gerstenzang: 121
47 / 60 / 0
Yun Shi
MATH 15A 2 Linear Algebra
[ sn ]

T,Th 2:20 PM–3:40 PM
Golding Judaica: 110
50 / 60 / 0
Yu Xin
PHYS 29A 2
Electronics Laboratory I
[ sn ]

Th 8:30 AM–11:00 AM
Abelson-Bass: 122
6 / 16 / 0
Francesco Vischi