Schedule of Classes Undergraduate / Fall 2023 / Comparative Literature and Culture

Class Search|Course Evaluation Guide (unet login required)

(100-199) For Both Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
COML 105A 1 World Culture and Marxism
[ djw hum ]

T,F 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Brown: 224
12 / 25 / 0
Pu Wang
COML 171A 1 Literary Translation in Theory and in Practice
[ hum ]

T,Th 5:30 PM–6:50 PM
Lown: 202
Consent Req.

10 / 10 / 0
David Powelstock

COML Upper Level Courses in a Language Other than English

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
ARBC 103A 1 Lower Advanced Arabic
[ fl hum ]

M,W,Th 1:20 PM–2:10 PM
Schwartz: 110
4 / 15 / 0
Carl El-Tobgui
CHIN 120A 1 Readings in Contemporary Chinese Literature: Advanced Chinese Language
[ fl hum wi ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Mandel Humanities: G10
16 / 18 / 0
Chunzi Chai
FREN 110A 1
Cultural Representations
[ fl hum oc ]

M,W,Th 11:15 AM–12:05 PM
Shiffman: 216
11 / 15 / 0
Hollie Harder
HBRW 144A 1 Plays and Drama in Israeli Society
[ ca djw fl hum oc wi ]

M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM
Abraham Shapiro Academic: 209
11 / 15 / 0
Sara Hascal
HISP 111B 1 Introduction to Latin American Literature and Culture
[ djw fl hum nw ]

M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM
Shiffman: 217
18 / 15 / 0
Gustavo Herrera Diaz
HISP 164B 1 Studies in Latin American Literature
[ fl hum nw ]

Topic for fall 2023: Divine Meditations: Race, Religion, and Myth in Latin America.

M,W 5:40 PM–7:00 PM
Shiffman: 216
15 / 15 / 0
Gustavo Herrera Diaz
RUS 150B 1 Advanced Russian Language through 20th Century Literature
[ dl fl hum oc ]

T,Th 3:55 PM–5:15 PM
Kutz: 132
6 / 999 / 0
Valeriya Kozlovskaya

COML Cross-Listed

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s)
ANTH 105A 1 Myth and Ritual
[ nw ss ]

T,F 11:10 AM–12:30 PM
Gerstenzang: 121
27 / 35 / 0
Ellen Schattschneider
ENG 152B 1 Arthurian Literature
[ dl hum ]

T,F 12:45 PM–2:05 PM Open
15 / 20 / 0
Dorothy Kim
FREN 110A 1
Cultural Representations
[ fl hum oc ]

M,W,Th 11:15 AM–12:05 PM
Shiffman: 216
11 / 15 / 0
Hollie Harder
HISP 198A 1 Experiential Research Seminar in Literary and Cultural Studies
[ dl hum oc ]

Topic fall 2023: Truth and Fiction.

W 2:30 PM–5:20 PM
Lown: 103
6 / 15 / 0
Fernando Rosenberg
HUM 1A 1 Tragedy: Love and Death in the Creative Imagination
[ hum ]

M,W,Th 10:10 AM–11:00 AM
Mandel Humanities: G11
Consent Req.

19 / 20 / 0
Stephen Dowden
John Burt
JAPN 135A 1 Screening National Images: Japanese Film and Anime in Global Context
[ hum nw ]

M,W 2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Lown: 002
45 / 60 / 0
Matthew Fraleigh
JAPN 165A 1 The Tale of Genji
[ hum nw oc ]

M,W 4:05 PM–5:25 PM
Golding Judaica: 107
8 / 18 / 0
Matthew Fraleigh
NEJS 157B 1 Arab-Jewish Modern Thought and Culture
[ djw hum ]

T,F 12:45 PM–2:05 PM
Schwartz: 110
5 / 25 / 0
Yuval Evri