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RIDT 180

Learning Analytics

The collection and analysis of data has dramatically altered how decisions are made and resources are allocated in a variety of industries. In online instructional design and technology, learning analytics are emerging tools to improve how online students learn, and how employees are trained through data-informed course design and instructional practices. This course will provide students an opportunity to explore learning analytics and how they can be deployed in various contexts in the online instructional design and technology field. Students will explore the implications of learning analytics in their organizations, and evaluate how it relates to concepts such as educational data-mining and academic analytics. The toolsets and methodologies, ethics and privacy considerations, and the systemic impact of learning analytics on institutions and organizations will be explored. Students will evaluate the present state of data analytics for instructional design, and assess possible future directions of the field. Students will apply the concepts presented in the course to analyze, plan, and deploy small-scale learning analytics pilot projects.

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