Schedule of Classes Undergraduate / Fall 2020 / East Asian Studies

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East Asian Studies: Core Course

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s) View Books
HIST 80A 1 Introduction to East Asian Civilization
[ djw dl hum nw ss ]
Instruction for this course will be offered remotely. Meeting times for this course are listed in the schedule of classes (in ET).
T,Th 8:00 AM–9:30 AM Open
84 / 90 / 0
Hang, Xing View Books

East Asian Studies: Beginning and Intermediate Language Courses

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s) View Books
CHIN 10A 1 Beginning Chinese I
See Course Catalog for Special Notes.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
Class meets for 50 minutes 4 days per week during the assigned block.
M,T,W,Th 10:00 AM–11:30 AM
Kutz Hall 130
8 / 18 / 0
Wei, Jian View Books
CHIN 10A 2 Beginning Chinese I
See Course Catalog for Special Notes.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
Class meets for 50 minutes 4 days per week during the assigned block.
M,T,W,Th 12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Lown Cntr for JudaicStudies002
8 / 18 / 0
Wei, Jian View Books
CHIN 10A 3 Beginning Chinese I
See Course Catalog for Special Notes.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
Class meets for 50 minutes 4 days per week during the assigned block.
M,T,W,Th 2:00 PM–3:30 PM
Mandel Ctr for HumanitiesG10
10 / 18 / 0
Wei, Jian View Books
CHIN 30A 1 Intermediate Chinese
[ fl ]
See Course Catalog for prerequisites.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
Class meets for 50 minutes 4 days per week during the assigned block.
M,T,W,Th 10:00 AM–11:30 AM
Lown Cntr for JudaicStudies201
10 / 18 / 0
Lu, Xiwen View Books
CHIN 30A 2 Intermediate Chinese
[ fl ]
See Course Catalog for prerequisites.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
Class meets for 50 minutes 4 days per week during the assigned block.
M,T,W,Th 12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Mandel Ctr for HumanitiesG10
18 / 18 / 0
Lu, Xiwen View Books
CHIN 30A 3 Intermediate Chinese
[ fl ]
See Course Catalog for prerequisites.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
Class meets for 50 minutes 4 days per week during the assigned block.
M,T,W,Th 2:00 PM–3:30 PM
Lemberg Academic Center 055
17 / 18 / 0
Lu, Xiwen View Books
JAPN 10A 1 Beginning Japanese
See Course Catalog for Special Notes.
In order to balance sections, students without course conflicts may be moved to the other section.
Class meeting hours and one half-hour tutoring session per week.
Class meets for 50 minutes 4 days per week during the assigned block.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
M,T,W,Th 10:00 AM–11:30 AM Closed
18 / 18 / 0
Fujiwara, Hisae View Books
JAPN 10A 2
Beginning Japanese
See Course Catalog for Special Notes.
In order to balance sections, students without course conflicts may be moved to the other section.
Class meeting hours and one half-hour tutoring session per week.
Class meets for 50 minutes 4 days per week during the assigned block.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
M,T,W,Th 12:00 PM–1:30 PM Open
13 / 18 / 0
Fujiwara, Hisae View Books
JAPN 10A 3 Beginning Japanese
See Course Catalog for Special Notes.
In order to balance sections, students without course conflicts may be moved to the other section.
Class meeting hours and one half-hour tutoring session per week.
Class meets for 50 minutes 4 days per week during the assigned block.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
M,T,W,Th 2:00 PM–3:30 PM Closed
19 / 18 / 0
Fujiwara, Hisae View Books
JAPN 10A 4
Beginning Japanese
See Course Catalog for Special Notes.
In order to balance sections, students without course conflicts may be moved to the other section.
Class meeting hours and one half-hour tutoring session per week.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
Class meets for 50 minutes 4 days per week during the assigned block.
M,T,W,Th 6:00 PM–7:30 PM Open
10 / 18 / 0
Tamaki, Mayumi View Books
JAPN 30A 1 Intermediate Japanese
[ fl ]
See Course Catalog for prerequisites.
See Course Catalog for Special Notes.
In order to balance sections, students without course conflicts may be moved to the other section.
Class meeting hours and one half-hour tutoring session per week.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
Class meets for 50 minutes 4 days per week during the assigned block.
M,T,W,Th 10:00 AM–11:30 AM Closed
17 / 18 / 0
Nakano, Yukimi View Books
JAPN 30A 2 Intermediate Japanese
[ fl ]
See Course Catalog for prerequisites.
See Course Catalog for Special Notes.
In order to balance sections, students without course conflicts may be moved to the other section.
Class meeting hours and one half-hour tutoring session per week.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
Class meets for 50 minutes 4 days per week during the assigned block.
M,T,W,Th 12:00 PM–1:30 PM Closed
19 / 18 / 0
Nakano, Yukimi View Books
KOR 10A 1 Beginning Korean
See Course Catalog for Special Notes.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
Class meets for 50 minutes 4 days per week during the assigned block.
M,T,W,Th 10:00 AM–11:30 AM
Volen Nat'l Ctr for Complex119
17 / 18 / 0
Lee, Eun-Jo View Books
KOR 10A 2 Beginning Korean
See Course Catalog for Special Notes.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
Class meets for 50 minutes 4 days per week during the assigned block.
M,T,W,Th 12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Volen Nat'l Ctr for Complex119
24 / 18 / 0
Lee, Eun-Jo View Books
KOR 30A 1 Intermediate Korean
[ fl ]
See Course Catalog for prerequisites.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
Class meets for 50 minutes 4 days per week during the assigned block.
M,T,W,Th 2:00 PM–3:30 PM
Volen Nat'l Ctr for Complex119
20 / 18 / 0
Lee, Eun-Jo View Books

East Asian Studies: Contemporary East Asia Social Science Courses

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s) View Books
ANTH 178B 1 Culture, Gender and Power in East Asia
[ nw ss ]
Instruction for this course will be offered remotely. Meeting times for this course are listed in the schedule of classes (in ET).
T,Th 2:00 PM–3:30 PM Open
16 / 28 / 0
Uretsky, Elanah M. View Books
ECON 30A 1 The Economy of China
[ nw ss ]
See Course Catalog for prerequisites.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
M,W 8:00 PM–9:30 PM
Schwartz Hall 112
23 / 28 / 0
Jefferson, Gary H View Books

East Asian Studies: Creative Arts Electives

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s) View Books
FA 34A 1 History of Asian Art
[ ca nw ]
Instruction for this course will be offered remotely. Meeting times for this course are listed in the schedule of classes (in ET).
M,W 8:00 PM–9:30 PM Open
27 / 30 / 0
Wong, Aida Yuen View Books
FA 34A 2 History of Asian Art
[ ca nw ]
Instruction for this course will be offered remotely. Meeting times for this course are listed in the schedule of classes (in ET).
T,Th 12:00 PM–1:30 PM Closed
33 / 30 / 0
Wong, Aida Yuen View Books

East Asian Studies: Humanities Electives

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s) View Books
CHIN 100A 1 Introduction to Chinese Literature: Desire and Form
[ hum nw oc ]
See Course Catalog for Special Notes.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
T,Th 2:00 PM–3:30 PM
Mandel Ctr for HumanitiesG03
28 / 30 / 0
Wang, Pu View Books
CHIN 105A 1 Advanced Conversation and Composition I
[ fl hum oc wi ]
See Course Catalog for prerequisites.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
M,W 6:00 PM–7:30 PM
Mandel Ctr for HumanitiesG11
12 / 18 / 0
Feng, Yu View Books
CHIN 105A 2 Advanced Conversation and Composition I
[ fl hum oc wi ]
See Course Catalog for prerequisites.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
M,W 12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Mandel Ctr for HumanitesG12
19 / 18 / 0
Feng, Yu View Books
CHIN 120A 1 Readings in Contemporary Chinese Literature: Advanced Chinese Language
[ fl hum wi ]
See Course Catalog for prerequisites.
Instruction for this course will be offered in-person. Meeting times for this course are listed in the schedule of classes (in ET).
M,W 2:00 PM–3:30 PM
Schwartz Hall 103
13 / 10 / 0
Feng, Yu View Books
CHIN 130B 1 China on Film: The Changes of Chinese Culture
[ hum nw ]
See Course Catalog for Special Notes.
Instruction for this course will be offered remotely. Meeting times for this course are listed in the schedule of classes (in ET).
T,Th 4:00 PM–5:30 PM Closed
59 / 55 / 0
Wang, Pu View Books
CHIN 165A 1 Chinese for Life Science: Study of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs with Contemporary Science
[ fl oc ]
See Course Catalog for prerequisites.
See Course Catalog for Special Notes.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
M,W 6:00 PM–7:30 PM
Mandel Ctr for HumanitesG12
14 / 18 / 0
Wei, Jian View Books
JAPN 105A 1 Advanced Conversation and Composition I
[ fl hum oc wi ]
See Course Catalog for prerequisites.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
Instructor's Signature Required.
M,W 2:00 PM–3:30 PM
F 10:00 AM–11:00 AM
Consent Req.

19 / 18 / 0
Nakano, Yukimi View Books
JAPN 120A 1 Topics in Contemporary Japanese Culture and Society
[ fl hum nw oc wi ]
See Course Catalog for prerequisites.
Unaccommodated students should contact the instructor regarding enrollment.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
T,Th 6:00 PM–7:30 PM
Lown Cntr for JudaicStudies201
3 / 15 / 0
Fujiwara, Hisae View Books
JAPN 125B 1
Putting Away Childish Things: Coming of Age in Modern Japanese Literature and Film
[ hum nw ]
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
M,W 6:00 PM–7:30 PM
Schwartz Hall 103
12 / 28 / 0
Fraleigh, Matthew View Books
JAPN 145A 1
The World of Classical Japanese Literature
[ djw hum nw ]
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
M,W 4:00 PM–5:30 PM
Lown Cntr for JudaicStudies203
6 / 28 / 0
Fraleigh, Matthew View Books

East Asian Studies: Other Elective Courses

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s) View Books
HIST 184A 1 Silk, Silver, and Slaves: China and the Industrial Revolution
[ djw nw ss wi ]
Instruction for this course will be offered remotely. Meeting times for this course are listed in the schedule of classes (in ET).
M,W 4:00 PM–5:30 PM Open
28 / 999 / 0
Hang, Xing View Books