Schedule of Classes Undergraduate / Fall 2020 / Classical Studies

Class Search|Course Evaluation Guide (unet login required)

(100-199) For Both Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s) View Books
CLAS 133A 1
The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece
[ ca hum ]
Instruction for this course will be offered remotely. Meeting times for this course are listed in the schedule of classes (in ET).
T,Th 6:00 PM–7:30 PM Open
30 / 999 / 0
Ratzlaff, Alexandra View Books
CLAS 190B 1
Ancient Mystery Cults
[ hum ]
Instruction for this course will be offered remotely. Meeting times for this course are listed in the schedule of classes (in ET).
T,Th 12:00 PM–1:30 PM Open
39 / 999 / 0
Ratzlaff, Alexandra View Books
Race Before Race: Premodern Critical Race Studies
[ deis-us djw dl hum wi ]
Instruction for this course will be offered remotely. Meeting times for this course are listed in the schedule of classes (in ET).
T,Th 8:00 PM–9:30 PM Open
18 / 999 / 0
Gillespie, Caitlin
Kim, Dorothy
View Books
Queens of the Ancient Mediterranean World
[ hum ]
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
M,W 4:00 PM–5:30 PM
Schwartz Hall 112
20 / 28 / 0
Stinchcomb, Jillian View Books

Greek and Latin Courses

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s) View Books
GRK 10A 1
Beginning Ancient Greek
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
M,W 10:00 AM–11:30 AM
Schwartz Hall 103
7 / 28 / 0
Christensen, Joel View Books
GRK 30A 1
Intermediate Ancient Greek: Literature
[ fl ]
See Course Catalog for prerequisites.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
M,W 12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Schwartz Hall 103
8 / 28 / 0
Christensen, Joel View Books
GRK 120B 1
Greek Prose Authors
[ fl hum ]
Instruction for this course will be offered remotely. Meeting times for this course are listed in the schedule of classes (in ET).
M,W 2:00 PM–3:30 PM Open
6 / 999 / 0
Newman, Matthew View Books
LAT 10A 1
Beginning Latin
See Course Catalog for Special Notes.
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
T,Th 8:00 AM–9:30 AM
Mandel Ctr for HumanitesG12
12 / 28 / 0
Gillespie, Caitlin View Books
LAT 30A 1
Intermediate Latin: Literature
[ fl ]
Prerequisite: A grade of C- or higher in LAT 20b or permission of the instructor.
Instruction for this course will be offered remotely. Meeting times for this course are listed in the schedule of classes (in ET).
M,W 12:00 PM–1:30 PM Open
9 / 999 / 0
Walker, Cheryl L View Books
LAT 118A 1
Latin Lyric and Elegiac Poetry
[ fl hum ]
Instruction for this course will be offered remotely. Meeting times for this course are listed in the schedule of classes (in ET).
T,Th 8:00 AM–9:30 AM Open
8 / 999 / 0
Walker, Cheryl L View Books

Cross-Listed in Classical Studies

Course # Course Title Time
Enrl / Lim / Wait Instructor(s) View Books
ANTH 1A 1 Introduction to the Comparative Study of Human Societies
[ djw nw ss ]
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
M,W 10:00 AM–11:30 AM
Mandel Ctr for HumanitiesG03
101 / 110 / 0
Anjaria, Jonathan S View Books
FA 30A 1
History of Art I: From Antiquity to the Middle Ages
[ ca ]
Instruction for this course will be offered remotely. Meeting times for this course are listed in the schedule of classes (in ET).
M,W 12:00 PM–1:30 PM Open
32 / 999 / 0
Unglaub, Jonathan W View Books
HIST 103A 1
Roman History to 455 CE
[ hum ss ]
Instruction for this course will be offered remotely. Meeting times for this course are listed in the schedule of classes (in ET).
M,W 10:00 AM–11:30 AM Open
28 / 999 / 0
Kapelle, William E View Books
NEJS 130B 1
Sexuality and Early Christian Communities
[ hum wi ]
Instruction for this course will be offered in a hybrid combination of in person and remote sessions, which may vary by course and over the duration of the semester. Some courses will have sessions at which in-person and remote students will participate at the same time, and others will arrange for some separate class meetings for in-person and remote students. Enrollment is open to students who will be on campus and students who will be studying remotely up to the enrollment limit.
T,Th 4:00 PM–5:30 PM
Lown Cntr for JudaicStudies203
3 / 28 / 0
Brooks Hedstrom, Darlene View Books